We are North America’s leader in onsite food waste recovery in multi-tenanted food courts.
Using our composter technology combined with our industry expertise, we will help you build a customised, clean and effective onsite recovery program for your food waste and compostables.
Benefits & Results
- Increase operational efficiencies and reduce costly staff time and disposable costs managing food and compostable waste.
- Eliminate ongoing cost increases for organics collection and disposal services by haulers.
- Maintain clean, efficient organics recycling systems in your operation and mitigate challenges with odour and pests.
- Reduce carbon emissions associated with frequent collection, transportation and disposal of food waste from your site.
- Engage your staff by demonstrating leadership in sustainability and a closed loop innovative recovery story for your operation’s food waste.
- Simplify your organics recycling systems, as certified compostable materials can be processed in the machine along with the food waste.
How It Works

Food waste & organics

Heat, agitation & microbes

Immature compost
Using Heat, Agitation and Microbes, the on-site composters break down food waste in 24 hours, reducing the volume by 80% and producing an inert, odour-free, immature compost material that can be used for local growing.